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Scott Bradbury Reviews
Abi N, 04 Oct 2019
Informative and able to use the skills learnt when back at the desk
Samantha C, 04 Oct 2019
Very informative. Helpful tips with day to day checking and how to self check better before work is passed to second checker
Lucy W, 04 Oct 2019
It was slightly longer than it needed to be. It was hard to keep concentration for that long, considering it was a lot of the same things repeated. Overall it was interesting but again, because of the length concentration was difficult.
Alex B, 04 Oct 2019
Gives you useful tips & tricks which you can use in your daily job to help you become more accurate. It’s nice to be reminded that we are all human and we do make mistakes but there are multiple ways to help reduce the error rates.
Amy C, 04 Oct 2019
The course was very informative and I will take away some skills to help in my daily work- delivered well by Malc.
Matthew B, 04 Oct 2019
I believe it is interesting to begin with, but it is dependant in the type of person you are teaching. The course at parts I believe is aimed more at instantaneous memory, especially the number tests, whereas some people need more time to reflect and let it sink in. In addition, I believe there is a lot of consecutive tests, which for me personally as a reflector I began to lose interest and got fed up near the end.
Cassie W, 04 Oct 2019
Some helpful techniques but felt that it was a very repetitive course and not greatly interesting.
Angela D, 02 Oct 2019
Course was very good and demonstrates how we already have a Right First Time culture within our workplace as most of us scored 100% in the pre-course test aswell as throughout the 2 day session.
Lesley R, 01 Oct 2019
Good course with helpful information to improve accuracy. Trainer was knowledgeable and in control during the whole training course.
Samuel M, 27 Sep 2019
Good course with lots of practical tips and immediate results. To improve could space out types of exercise more evenly to avoid fatigue.