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Record Keeping Reviews

Steve F, 29 Aug 2024

Was much more relevant to my practice than I expected

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Laura W, 29 Aug 2024

Was initially apprehensive in attending course as have attended previous courses on same subject matter and training can be tedious however pleasantly surprised with todays training. Session was not overwhelmingly over interactive but had the right balance of group participation which in turn enabled learners to learn from each other aswel as hearing from the trainer.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Steven A, 29 Aug 2024

Enjoyed it and learned new skills

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Hannah N, 27 Aug 2024

Enjoyed the course, very informative and interesting

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Sheelagh C, 27 Aug 2024

Very informative and interesting. It will be useful in day to day work.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Natalie K, 08 Aug 2024

Really enjoyable day. Thank you

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Carmen S, 08 Aug 2024

This training really puts the importance of notes into perspective - it is frightening to think about how you can be perceived just by what you have written and how this can impact how you appear in court

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Kate A, 08 Aug 2024

Very detailed course. Confirmed that documentation is vital and time taken to document correctly is as essential as patient care.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Lindsey C, 08 Aug 2024

Thoroughly enjoyed the course today. It is so relevant to my role and it has made me think about how I write my notes and the consequences of not writing notes in a timely, legible manner. It also made me think about detail and how I need to justify any thing written especially when using descriptive language

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[ Inappropriate review ]

julie s, 08 Aug 2024

The case histories were interesting and gave good examples of poor record keeping

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