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Youth eMHFA Wales Reviews
Siaron H, 25 May 2023
Very useful and enlightening, to get a better overall understanding of mental health issues.
Joshua C, 25 May 2023
I would prefer a discussion in the main group not in break out rooms. My personal prefernce also is not to ask many questions, for example "what is the A in ALGEE" and then wait for a responce before explaining what it is. An explanation straight away is fine, saves time and stops people losing focus
Stuart F, 23 May 2023
Well ran, i didn't expect to get as much out of it as i have, i enjoyed the course
Alison E, 22 May 2023
I really enjoyed the course - huge thanks! Would have liked more time for discussion in groups, but recognise that it would add to the overall time. Content was spot-on, and it was pitched in an appropriate manner. I have recommended this course to colleagues.
Natasha Y, 22 May 2023
All resources and instructors were excellent. Instructors obviously have good knowledge and supported my development of the topic. Resources were particularly good, relevant and easy to understand, I especially liked the video of the 'nugget' to portray substance dependence, very visual.
Rebecca D, 22 May 2023
The course was well-presented, the presenters were thoughtful and inclusive in their approach and gave plenty of encouragement to explore issues and be mindful of those on the course.
Louise M, 15 May 2023
A very detailed course with practical advice on how to handle situations. Very supportive atmosphere for discussions.
Alys W, 12 May 2023
Mandy and Sam were absolutely amazing! Answered any questions, the exercises were great as well. Overall a fab course with even greater trainers
Amie L, 12 May 2023
Useful course for my area of work. I am now confident with addressing these issues with learners. Thanks