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Apps L5 - ODM Reviews
Rachel B, 03 Mar 2021
Sad to finish and will be great to meet-up in person again if at all possible
stacey T, 02 Mar 2021
Thoroughly enjoyed the last session and the course as a whole- its has been a huge learning curve for me and hopefully i can put into practice everything i have learnt. I will take away a lot of tools which i hope will help me progress as a person and within my role. It has definitely made me think about what i would like to do going forward and how i can try to implement a plan
Claire B, 23 Feb 2021
I thought it was really helpful and informative.
Sarah C, 23 Feb 2021
Likes the balance of listening, watching and interacting
Helen C, 23 Feb 2021
Difficult to participate via video link Also a lot of repeated informationResponse : Hi Helen. Thank you for your feedback, we really appreciate it. Just going over your scores, i have noticed you weren't entirely happy with the workshop. Is there anything we could have done to improve on the day and/or help you going forwards? Thanks Sam
Megan H, 16 Feb 2021
Thank you! The workshop was very helpful.