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SFA02-Suicide First Aid: Understanding Suicide Intervention Reviews
Richard B, 07 May 2021
Great tutor. Course delivered very well.
Clare S, 07 May 2021
It’s an excellent course to do on because suicide is a big thing but not many people understand what it is and the signs for it but off this course I know what happens to people
James M, 07 May 2021
A very good and worthwhile course that can be used and accredited to future people attending.
Robert E, 07 May 2021
The training should be offered to uniformed service personnel to assist in identifying the markers of possible suicide.
Lorraine F, 07 May 2021
Its been a pleasure to have taken part and look forward to part 2 if possible
jordan w, 07 May 2021
good use of breakout rooms and given scenarios a few more could be beneficial but overall good content.
Tanya C, 07 May 2021
Really good course - I feel like I have learned a lot that I would love to share with peers to help keep the conversation going, reduce the suicide and mental health stigma and help those who are in need of suicide support.
Marc M, 07 May 2021
Well delivered, clear and engaging.
Mabel J, 07 May 2021
Very good course. I will definitely recommend it to my colleagues.