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Happy Reviews

Margaret S, 15 Jun 2022


Great day, really helped to clarify queries about building our portfolios and apprenticeship process. So good to meet everyone in person instead of being on zoom! I would like it if we could have more regular in person meets - I know we said we would do this quarterly but I think if we could do this every other month it would be even better!

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Jean-Neel X, 15 Jun 2022

It was constructive, and Darren was evident when explaining all the different items. Not only I learned a lot of new things but I also better understand what I already know

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Jeevan S, 15 Jun 2022

Overall a helpful course, thorough and relevant

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[ Inappropriate review ]

rachel t, 15 Jun 2022

At times it felt unclear about which stage of the ABC method we were working on, which was a bit confusing. One suggestion would be to emphasise this more, especially prior trying it out in breakout rooms. I really liked that we had plenty of time to practice the techniques and to observe others doing so, but in a private space (so it didn't feel like we were being evaluated!)

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Emily W, 15 Jun 2022

I found the breaks quite short for the length of the sessions- I'd have preferred a slightly shorter lunch and then 10 or 15 minutes for the breaks. It was a long time to be sitting. Some other strategies were mentioned (constellation activity) are these included in the slides when we get them? could there be a resource pack which includes more strategies to use?

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Salman Q, 15 Jun 2022

Useful content, well delivered. Thinking about examples to use is difficult during the course, so having 2-3 before attending would have helped.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Aimee B, 15 Jun 2022

I thought that considering we had a small group, Rachel kept everyone engaged and enthused whilst still delivering on some theory (which was kept light and fun!) We all came away with practical actions we could put in place right away

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Priyanka J, 15 Jun 2022

lovely instructor, could not fault.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Fola F, 15 Jun 2022

Was fast paced but I’m sure I can work on it more in my personal time other than it was helpful.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Andreas P, 15 Jun 2022

It was slow in the sense that the facilitator had to make sure everyone was on track and some people move at different paces. So there was times where I was sat with my answers for 10 mins waiting for the rest to get the command to work. (Mainly helping mac users took time)

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[ Inappropriate review ]