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Happy Reviews
Cara M, 21 May 2020
The trainer was good, the pace was a little slow but you have to go with the pace of the whole group. Thank you.
Anna D, 21 May 2020
Excellent course; I think the first 1.5 hour session was probably too basic for me as I am used to making up PP presentations I just don't know how to use the various tools to make them more interesting than just text only. The 3rd session offered the most value for me and was really useful. The approach to learning the different tools and techniques through revising the Visit London template was engaging and creative.
Julie N, 21 May 2020
I enjoyed my introduction to teams
Siobhan B, 21 May 2020
I thought the trainer darren was very knowledgeable about the functions and his pace was perfect, however I came in wiith zero knowledge about teams and I did get a little confused about when we would use it so maybe my overall objectives weren't quite met. maybe one to discuss with my manager about our usage and then to give it a whirl. thanks
Pauline B, 20 May 2020
Very many thanks particularly with the audio issues at the outset - I juts need to practice in order to remember them
Tahira R, 20 May 2020
great session, learnt a lot about how to do sums
Sandra B, 20 May 2020
Best online course i have attended
Lakisha R, 20 May 2020
Christine took the time to train us after, as i had trouble understanding it. very grateful
Polly E, 19 May 2020
Very good, some parts are a bit too fast when we are trying to keep up over facetime but he answers any questions that we have