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Happy Reviews
Bethany M, 08 Feb 2021
I really think Sal was fantastic. The session was delivered at a great pace, she explained everything - not just how to do something but WHY, so that learning is better ingrained in my mind - and the interactive elements really helped to cement what Sal was teaching. I enjoyed the session a lot.
Lucy J, 08 Feb 2021
Fantastic energising day. Wonderful facilitation.
Olayinka A, 06 Feb 2021
Very educative and full of information to enrich staff performance.
Mandy A, 06 Feb 2021
Difficult to be part of training via Zoom but there were a lot of good opportunities for break out groups and polls to keep us attentive. It was good to get an extended break at lunch time and have an exercise to work on our own. The exercise on Action Points could have been longer and maybe more emphasis on 3 practical action points and how these would be just implemented. A little more involvement in the final session could have kept us going a little bit.
Eishrhat I, 05 Feb 2021
It was really interactive despite being on zoom and nick included us in all the discussions which was refreshing as usually online training you get talked at a lot.
Elaine C, 05 Feb 2021
Really enjoyable training, felt like a safe space.
Frances E, 05 Feb 2021
Pace was good, lots of engaging activities in break out rooms. Good mix of facilitator talking vs team / small group discussions.
Margaret F, 05 Feb 2021
The course facilitator was very friendly and explained all of the steps clearly to allow everyone to follow them.
Margaret F, 05 Feb 2021
I have always been a bit nervous of using lookups, but Christine explained things really clearly and I am now more confident using these.