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Reed Learning Reviews

Fran T, 29 Oct 2020

I have not scored at the highest level because I did my units through accreditation for prior learning so I did not really need to use the materials on offer.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Noosh N, 28 Oct 2020

As I am based in Wales, it would have been nice to have been able to attend a site for training closer than London. I believe my tutor was very helpful when I actually did initiate conversations or contact with him. However I do think I could have done with more support, or at least him contact me on my progress occasionally.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Amy S, 27 Oct 2020

The day was quite jumbled and the pace wasn't great. We took 3 hours to get through 11 slides and then a few minutes to get through the last 10 slides. I appreciate that the trainer had personal circumstances occurring and this may have affected her delivery. I felt that I did not learn much and it wasn't truly beneficial
Response : Hi Amy. Thank you for taking the time to comment on Coursecheck. We are sorry that this workshop did not meet our usual high standards. 7HRC is a very broad topic with a large amount of content to cover in one day so having to move from a more interactive face-to-face workshop to online delivery because of the current restrictions has proved challenging. In addition, a personal issue on the day meant our trainer had to take an urgent call which caused a short interruption. We will be carrying out a full review of the workshop and will pick up your particular points about the pace and delivery. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the topics covered during the workshop, Zita will be very happy to pick these up with you. As an experienced tutor with extensive subject knowledge, she will certainly take your feedback on board in preparation for the next workshop.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Louis B, 23 Oct 2020

The delivery was not clear. The pace was not consistent. The material would have been sufficient alongside clear and informed delivery, but unfortunately the latter was missing. The leader of the session could have been more informed about certain issues and more prepared to answer questions.
Response : Hi Louis. Thank you for taking the time to comment on Coursecheck. We are sorry that this workshop did not meet our usual high standards. 7HRC is a very broad topic with a large amount of content to cover in one day so having to move from a more interactive face-to-face workshop to online delivery because of the current restrictions has proved challenging for this module. We will be carrying out a full review of the workshop and will pick up your particular points about the pace and delivery to ensure there will be plenty of time for questions. In the meantime, if you have any particular points that need clarifying, Zita will be very happy to pick these up with you. As an experienced tutor with extensive subject knowledge, she will certainly take your feedback on board in preparation for the next workshop.

Helpful review?   Yes   No

[ Inappropriate review ]

Louis B, 20 Oct 2020

Sam's expertise and passion for the subject was really evident and kept all participants really well engaged for the full 7.5 hours! Sam was both knowledgeable and really friendly, creating a really interactive environment for the session in which everyone felt comfortable to chip in with their individual input. I cannot fault Sam's delivery of the session - she was encouraging and answered all questions that were thrown at her. I was not particularly looking forward to the 7.5 hour session, but ended up really enjoying it and finding it extremely useful!

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Carol J, 20 Oct 2020

This workshop was absolutely invaluable for understanding where to focus learning and revision for the exam. I do not know how anyone could even start without this! Sam is very knowledgeable and the day was VERY fast but it was a really good introduction to all 7 learning outcomes.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Will S, 14 Oct 2020

I am approaching the end of my course and wish that every other module had been as clear and helpful as the one today. I feel equipped to go away and start this module and feel that I am not taking a 'stab in the dark' with this unit.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Sophie U, 14 Oct 2020

Really knowledgeable trainer, really supportive with checking our understanding, answering any queries and signposting relevant material

Helpful review?   Yes   No

[ Inappropriate review ]

Margareet A, 14 Oct 2020

Great trainer, very friendly and personable, easy to understand, with wealth of knowledge and practicle examples in subject area.

Helpful review?   Yes   No

[ Inappropriate review ]

Elspeth D, 14 Oct 2020

Excellent content in the Workbook. Absolutely love the links on the workbook for the pre-reads - tour round the VLE extremely helpful also - interesting to learn that VLE support is top to bottom. Guide for wordcount very helpful - I normally divide the total words by number of 'boxes' Thank you very much for the time and effort you have put in before the course to ensure we got the best from the day

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[ Inappropriate review ]