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Realise Reviews
Alimatou D, 13 Jan 2023
It is a very interesting topic, and learning about it will help me to increase my knowledge.
Luke O, 10 Jan 2023
The course is really enjoyable and the tutor is fantastic, if there is an issue Martin asks if I'm sure of the answer whilst providing some guidance
Francesca E, 09 Jan 2023
Angela has been a brilliant tutor. All throughout the course she has been there when needed and also motivated me when I’ve needed a push. I didn’t have long to complete the course due to not starting properly until September time and she has been amazing, fit me into her schedule where it worked for both of us and gave me the push I needed. She provided me with lots of resources which helped me along the way. She has been really easy to get along with and really put me at ease all throughout.
Janet H, 05 Jan 2023
have enjoyed being able to talk about what i have learned and also be able to get a little incite of the next unit to be learned
Georgia H, 03 Jan 2023
As always, Amy was very informative and helpful when delivering the course. Amy has great knowledge about the subject matter and anything I am unsure on, I am always given the opportunity to ask questions. Thank you Amy :)
Nichola R, 21 Dec 2022
Daniel is a brilliant trainer, he is understanding, patient and always available if needed. Thank you for everything,
Rebecca H, 21 Dec 2022
Angela is a very good asser,she is very clear on what she wants you to do. Angela put you at ease when you are answering questions she also gives you a lot of support if you are struggling,i dont think i could have got anyone better.
Paul C, 21 Dec 2022
I was originally teamed with Luana as my tutor. She massively let me down as she continually cancelled appointments/zoom calls etc on me at the last minute, I was ready to quit the course as I was extremely stressed with it all. Then I was teamed up with Dan Gough and Anne Guerrero-Sanchez who have been simply amazing and have helped my catch up and subsequently complete the course in less than a month, when it should have been completed over 6 months. They were able to keep me grounded and I felt I had the encouragement needed to carry on with the course. I cant thank them enough.
brian s, 16 Dec 2022
West Yorkshire
Everything that I have learnt from being on this course can help me with PCSO job or any other jobs i go for.
Palpola P, 16 Dec 2022
West Yorkshire
A great course, great tutor who made it so enjoyable and fun.