Oluwafemi A, 28 Feb 2025
Very good Tutor taught the outcomes very well I enjoyed every learning outcome of the course and I enjoyed working with my course mates
Anon Y, 27 Feb 2025
I do not wish to be rude - but the entire class felt like a shambles.Response : Hello, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy the session. I appreciate your feedback. In the sessions, I encourage everyone to engage, interact, and share their experiences, and I do my best to listen. However, due to time constraints, we sometimes need to move the discussion along to ensure everyone has a chance to participate. We use the chat box, the hand icon for raising hands, and some people prefer unmuting, but I understand it can be difficult when multiple people speak at once. Moving forward, to help manage the flow, I'll encourage learners to use the hand icon when they'd like to speak. This will help prevent overlap. Additionally, when asking questions, I make a point of referring to individuals by name so they can respond directly. We also encourage learners to share good practice and resources to continue our learning. For example, during the safeguarding lesson, we shared websites, documentaries, and case practice reviews on abuse, which learners can explore to further develop their awareness and challenge their knowledge. If you wish to discuss this further, feel free to contact me by email or phone. I want everyone to have a positive learning experience and enjoy attending the webinars. Thanks again for your feedback.
Simon O, 21 Feb 2025
I have enjoyed this course and I feel.like everything was taught in a way I could understand
keith w, 10 Jan 2025
little content being stretched over days that could done in half an hour online, pointless
Samiyah M, 25 Sep 2024
It shouldn't have been a 3 week course. It should have been less and online instead. The content was incredibly easy and basic. We didn't need to waste 3 weeks on questions we could answer in 1 day by ourselves. It's that simple.Response : Hi Samiyah sorry you did not feel the course was worth the 3 weeks work and support for the qualifications achieved. The course is designed to be face to face training to offer support guidance and advice for all levels of experience. To help engage in attendance and support getting back into work. Thanks for the feedback
Brian B, 30 Jul 2024
Seats not comfy, internet connection not the best for a zoom course, course with no direction feels rushed and mixed around
Peter C, 20 Jun 2024
I felt the course was geared towards supporting neurotypical people
jane e, 04 Apr 2024
sorry I will always believe this would be better reginal in the classroom. Nothing against Richard as a trainer he knows his stuff and how to deliver the information it is the setting that slows him down.