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CB Training by Supportive Solutions Reviews
Louise L, 08 Jun 2020
I was very nervous about doing medication for the respect of you administering medication to people you don't know very well. But Helen was very helpful helped me feel at ease and now I am feeling very confident about going into the public and receiving support and getting ready to be signed off. So thank you very much!
rachel j, 08 Jun 2020
find it better doing it on the zoom for a top up
Lisa M, 08 Jun 2020
background noise is a real issue with some people refusing to turn their mics off which then prevents other people being able to hear the trainer
Emmanuel M, 08 Jun 2020
It's good to have the traning via zoom tho it would be better face to face but with the current situation this is very good.
Lisa M, 05 Jun 2020
Linda is wonderful and makes training enjoyable
Louise L, 05 Jun 2020
I am not as nervous now actually going and being shadowed to do Tracheostomy and Ventilation where I was before she has made me feel more confident now I have seen and been shown the best ways and spoke about how to tell how things are getting on and to ensure I feel 100% before letting a nurse sign me off completely.
Teresa T, 05 Jun 2020
It's a weird world training online for something practical. I learn more 'on the job' but the information I received today has given me confidence and background knowledge I didn't have before
Lisa M, 04 Jun 2020
although slightly gruesome the course achieved its goal