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The National Centre for Suicide Prevention Education & Training UK CIC Reviews
David H, 26 Jan 2023
It was a really good day, the topic was met head on and the pace was what I personally needed. I really benefit from learning from Laura and makes time for everyone if the questions keep flowing.
Amy L, 26 Jan 2023
I appreciate your time today, Thank you
Petreina C, 26 Jan 2023
The course was very informative I have learnt a lot and how to identity and deal with someone with suicidal thought. Also reasons that can causes someone to have suicidal thought and not to be judgemental. I am more aware of how I can be of help to someone and who to contact if I suspect someone might be in danger of hurting themselves.
Christine R, 26 Jan 2023
Excellent -easy to follow, well paced
Emma H, 26 Jan 2023
Great course, good materials. Some sections are very wordy so will require lots of prep before delivering.
Andy M, 26 Jan 2023
A difficult subject made easier to talk about and understand. More people should attend this course
Cheryl S, 26 Jan 2023
Enjoyable, informative, this will be useful. Thank you so much Holly - brilliant I want to do the mental health course
Jacqueline Y, 26 Jan 2023
Excellent training session Warmer room environment!
Darren L, 26 Jan 2023
The course was very useful in making you realise that it is ok to have difficult conversations and use the word suicide, which i dont think i was comfortable with before. The group was supportive and there were lots helpful tips and phrases we spoke about and shared to help with future conversations.