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Scott Bradbury Reviews
Shantee D, 06 Nov 2020
An interesting and insightful course. I have learnt some tips on how to train my eyes (and brain) to see and think in a different way. This may take a little while to unlearn bad habits but I have already seen a marked improvement in my abilities. I have recently been introduced to the Pomodoro Technique which supports your tip of working in short bursts. This is something I will use to focus my concentration more as my distraction rate has definitely increased especially over this period of COVID. Thank you.
Jennifer D, 06 Nov 2020
This was a great course and it went very quickly. It's making me more aware of how I work.
Bernice K, 06 Nov 2020
very useful makes me stop and think, thank you
Christopher G, 06 Nov 2020
I enjoyed the course and think it will be useful/build upon some practises - and modify others - that I already employ. Hopefully my accuracy will improve in the work environment when applied with appropriate pace.
Hazel P, 06 Nov 2020
Very interesting & useful, but as I am a bit long in the tooth or 'set in my ways', so I am not sure how much I will remember to do....I will try hard!
Sally C, 06 Nov 2020
Really enjoyable course, i like that that it included relevant examples to our type of work. shame we couldn't do all of the exercises but i do understand why. Thank you
Jane H, 06 Nov 2020
Good techniques to use in the future and also learnt why you can make mistakes (as in the way your eyes move)
Nimesh K, 06 Nov 2020
The course was helpful and relevant to my day to day role as we deal with large amounts of data.
Martyn A, 06 Nov 2020
In the exercises it is easy to directly copy the info when its within your field of vision. It is much harder and a more useful test of the techniques where answer space is some distance away from the source info.