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Scott Bradbury Reviews
Danielle S, 02 Dec 2020
Great workshop. I will take away a lot. Interested in doing the developing an eye for accuracy course as well. Alice is super friendly and clear and concise.
Nat S, 27 Nov 2020
Well delivered training with important features throughout. Engaging and well rounded. I personally struggled in parts as I am a slow writer. This was my only issue
Tom D, 27 Nov 2020
Very useful and informative. Learned techniques that I will use going forward such as clustering for alphanumerics and the rule of threes. Also helpful for checking.
Sharon G, 27 Nov 2020
I found the course an eye opener as to how we deal with receiving and transferring data. As my team is front facing its essential our output is accurate.
Emma-Louise W, 27 Nov 2020
I really enjoyed the course as it gave a pragmatic approach to accuracy. I believe it will help when dealing with large quantities of data not just with the handling but also in terms of mental concentration and learning to take breaks when I feel it is sliding. Malc was really encouraging and insightful.
Gemma L, 27 Nov 2020
I really enjoyed the course & found it very useful
Agata B, 27 Nov 2020
Was a really good course but would have preferred an electronic version on the second day. As typing and writing is different.
frances g, 27 Nov 2020
It was very good training and exposed my personal error trends, Just to n ote not everyone has a moblie phone for this feedback,
Hayley S, 27 Nov 2020
Useful course. Trainer was good, clear most of the time but did not always pull others in when getting rowdy. Saying that, he shouldn't have to