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Scott Bradbury Reviews
Val P, 25 May 2021
This course was really interesting and have earns a lot through this course. Greg was amazing.
Duncan C, 25 May 2021
Glad I attended - it’s useful to refresh skills and learn new tricks to be more accurate and faster.
Ruth T, 25 May 2021
Very interesting course better than I thought it may be! Makes you think a bit more about the impact of what may seem like a small mistake
Rachel B, 25 May 2021
It's a good course but it could be shorter! Gregg is a great and engaging trainer. He included everyone in the conversation.
Bryony T, 25 May 2021
The course was really helpful and the trainer was lovely - very engaging and friendly. I'll definitely take a few hints and tricks away with me. I did find there were a lot of exercises though.. It felt like one after another after another...
melanie s, 25 May 2021
I'm not sure how interesting a course can be when we are doing tests for most of a 3.5 hour session for two whole sessions! honestly the time frame this course takes and content needs to be reviewed. definitely should not be mandatory training. and it definitely should not be a course running over 4 days. i'm really sorry to have to leave this feedback, but I think that giving people the option to take the course, rather than making t mandatory, will be more valuable to those who need or want this training
Sintija E, 13 May 2021
Very interesting course. Time just flew by. A lot to take with to improve my accuracy at work. Thank you
Damian D, 13 May 2021
I have learned new ideas how to improve. Ergo breaks might be also important. It was many valuable tips during the course.
Gabriela A, 13 May 2021
Very interesting and useful, I really enjoyed it. Many thanks Greg!
Izabela S, 13 May 2021
many very interesting advises which i will use it in my daily work, some of them will do my life at work easier, very happy for attending :)