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Developing an Eye for Accuracy Reviews

Showing 5 star reviews : View all 375 reviews

Jackie H, 20 Jul 2023

Very enlightening - made me aware of technique and also made me comfortable to take regular breaks without feeling bad that I am away from my screen.

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Adey C, 05 Jul 2023

I enjoyed the training and will have some key skills to takeaway that will assist me both in the work place and in day to day life.

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Darren M, 05 Jul 2023

Very professional and well delivered by Malc Enjoyed it

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Srabani U, 05 Jul 2023

Very helpful

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Robert B, 30 Jun 2023

Liz was fantastic - very clear and knowledgeable and her use of MS teams was superb - she really made the course enjoyable. Content was good - a lot of practicals which was good but tough on a Friday afternoon. All in all, impressed with some good techniques to take away.

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Scott P, 30 Jun 2023

Very enjoyable course, engaging and lots of helpful hints and suggestions to improve my accuracy.

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Parveen R, 30 Jun 2023

really enjoyed the course, thank you Liz and Greg

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Viola M, 30 Jun 2023

Thank you so much for the training. Really useful tips.

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Thira U, 30 Jun 2023

I enjoyed the course immensely, I believe the trainer was very good and was very helpful. I do not think I needed the course as much as others however I still learnt many new skills on how I can be more efficient and better at my job. I made a few mistakes on some tests which exposed to me to where I struggle and how I need to improve to not make these mistakes. Sometimes when you feel rushed, you miss certain mistakes and details therefore I will take the tips I have learnt in this course to improve.

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Chrysanthi T, 27 Jun 2023

I found the course excellent, and the trainer as well. Easily comprehensible content with very good explanations and examples. The only thing i would suggest, is that it might be better when this is done face-to-face as it will make it easier when accessing documents, videos etc. However, we were the first online group i believe so maybe this will be much better for the groups to follow!

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