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Developing an Eye for Accuracy Reviews

Showing 5 star reviews : View all 375 reviews

Cheryl P, 23 Nov 2022

Really enjoyed the training & learnt from it

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Sean M, 23 Nov 2022

Very helpful tips to bring into my everyday work, trainer was very helpful and friendly

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Hannah H, 23 Nov 2022

Greg was Fab! Very enjoyable course learned lots

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OUMOUHA S, 04 Nov 2022

The course was very interesting. I personally will pay more attention to the small details at work and personal life as well to avoid mistakes like incorrect emails, names... etc

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Tate W, 04 Nov 2022

Engaging activities, great ways to track progress. Knowledge is very applicable to my role and outside of work.

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Beatriz R, 04 Nov 2022

Very interactive, great training.

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Kristina M, 02 Nov 2022

Both training and the trainer are great . I think this was very useful because we were not aware how good or bad we are with transferring data and with our concentration. I will definitely use more brakes with exercise .Because sitting in the same position long stops our circulation . in general everything we heard or saw today it is useful. Thank you very much

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Marilu M, 02 Nov 2022

I wasn't expecting the piece about concentration for me this is the biggest win of the whole training. Very pleased about it. So maybe advertising as part of it too :)

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GIONINTA V, 02 Nov 2022

Thank you very much Greg for all the tips that you provide to us these two days of trainings:) I will make sure to include all these tips to my day to day work and eliminate the mistake as much as possible. Very good course given by Greg...worth every minute! Thanks , Gioninta

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Igor S, 02 Nov 2022

All good

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