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Youth eMHFA Wales Reviews
Francine B, 20 Sep 2021
Great training, very help and informative. Thank you!
Sally E, 20 Sep 2021
A very thought provoking course that as a school we need to go away and discuss further. The opportunity to go into breakout rooms and discuss was very useful and maintained the focus on listening throughout. If possible slightly longer time in these discussions would be useful. Throughout the training we were given the option for support which with the content of the training was very valuable and gave a safety net through discussions.
Lindsey D, 20 Sep 2021
I found that the course was very informative and gave a good insight into mental health issues in young adults. Making me aware of many of the signs, symptoms and strategies to deal with a variety of mental health issues. It was useful to be able to talk with different team members in the breakout rooms, when discussing the scenarios.
Jo L, 20 Sep 2021
Informative course, well presented and I think this type of mental health training should be made mandatory in all comprehensive schools where appropriate support and knowledge is often extremely lacking, despite the desperate need. Many Thanks
Stefan G, 20 Sep 2021
Very informative and it gave me knowledge and a deeper understanding how to spot and deal with different situations resulting in Mental Health.
Lana T, 20 Sep 2021
Very interesting and informative course.
lyn w, 20 Sep 2021
The course was very good.I have learn't a lot about mental illness and what to look for.
katrina. C, 20 Sep 2021
it was interesting, i have better knowledge
Cheryl H, 20 Sep 2021
The course was very informative and i have increased my knowledge about the issues relating to mental health and mental health first aid. I enjoyed completing the modules, the format was excellent providing information to specific topics and testing of knowledge questions. I would highly recommend this course.
Jennifer O, 20 Sep 2021
overall it was a very well put together course. the modules before hand helped to give an insight into what was going to be covered in the live part and with the knowledge and discussions from the instructers it helped to give a clearer more deatiled approach to dealing with a given situation. considering the course content it wasnt too overwhelming with information/case studies etc to confuse the brain. it was just enough to help guide you into thinking the best approach to things.