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Apps L5 - ODM Reviews
Charlotte P, 07 Dec 2020
The course leader was very knowledgeable about the area, encouraged us to get involved and used key examples of his working career to develop on the points further which helped to put the models and theories into perspective and make me start to think how I can adapt to my working environment.
Deb G, 07 Dec 2020
Well presented, sessions in well-timed blocks, good pace.
Matt W, 07 Dec 2020
Considering the current situation with having delivery over video conference, the course was adapted very well to collate the thoughts of delegates.
Emma C, 03 Dec 2020
Bernie did extremely well with delivering this course over teams making best use of the break out rooms and the poll app on the mobiles. I do feel I have still had the benefit from the course and really enjoyed it.
Richard H, 03 Dec 2020
Difficult online prefer an in classroom experience. Would prefer to discuss 360 feedback with coach or line manager who has a better understanding than just in a breakout group.
Adam G, 03 Dec 2020
the format of the module made it very difficult to engage with, being split into 3 session online, this did not help me learn and understand the content on the day
Jemma B, 03 Dec 2020
Bernie has done so well under the circumstances. Face to Face meetings benefit learning so much more and managing teams is difficult.
Julian K, 03 Dec 2020
Challenging over Teams, would be easier in a classroom
Phill S, 03 Dec 2020
Really struggled with the length and format over Microsoft teams its not great with the amount of content required.