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SFA02-Suicide First Aid: Understanding Suicide Intervention Reviews

Erica B, 29 Jul 2021

Really good course and a lot to be taken away from this.

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Bee P, 27 Jul 2021

Course even more interesting as one member was a suicide survivour

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amy d, 22 Jul 2021

I have been a front line officers for years, dealing with mental health and suicide on a regular basis, on top of that I have been trained in mental health first aid. The objective of this course was to teach us to recognise signs of suicide and how to response, however I have been doing this for years. I have had numerous members of the public tell me they wish to end their life, I have talked people off bridges and been involved in numerous mental health incidents, I don't feel this course is appropriate for experienced police officers, as teaching us how to listen and talk to someone is pretty much what we do everyday. I feel this course would be perfect for new officers prior to deployment. The course content was good, the tutor was good, it just wasn't the right course for me.

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Mark J, 21 Jul 2021

Great course, added the theory to the practice and experience.

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Kelly M, 21 Jul 2021

This was an extremely helpful course. The tutor was very informative and professional in delivering such a delicate subject.

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Chris F, 21 Jul 2021

This was a good course with relative information needed, the Tutor was a wealth of knowledge in this area and engaged well with the group. The tutor presented in a fashion to keep the group engaged and discuss the topics raised. Very well presented.

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William M, 21 Jul 2021

Really enjoyable course and I feel I have new skills that I will use in my career

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Paul T, 21 Jul 2021

Very useful and practical course entwined with care and compassion.

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Kerry M, 21 Jul 2021

Thanks Joy you have strengthened my knowledge of talking you young people about suicide

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Holly M, 21 Jul 2021

Excellent training. This is the first time I have felt less anxious and more confident in reacting and knowing what to do if someone says they feel suicidal. This course has really helped with my confidence regarding this topic. It feels much more manageable. One of the most important things I have learnt is to try to pause / slow down when someone expresses they feel suicidal - and not to panic. Before the course I felt a high sense of personal responsibility when people have said they felt suicidal. I now feel much better about this as I can do my bit to help - and this is more than good enough. I liked Joys analogy of when you give first aid you hand over to an ambulance and you’ve done a your bit to help. First aid for suicide is the same. I can do my bit and that can be very impactful in itself.

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