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SFA01-Suicide First Aid Lite Reviews
Nathalie M, 21 Oct 2020
The 3.5 hrs went by extremely quickly. The course struck the right balance between information sharing and dialogue/conversation and was superb. The course has given me the confidence to have the conversation about suicide - I think that everyone would benefit from doing the course and gaining these skills
Mike L, 21 Oct 2020
Excellent and informative felt the course could of been done in a quicker time, that's just my opinion.
Kelly G, 21 Oct 2020
The training session was very informative and the tutor put everyone at ease straight away - was also very helpful in getting everyone logged on and making use of the IT such as getting video on and Mics to work etc. The content was to-the-point with easy to follow slides and the informal atmosphere definately helped in what could have been quite a sombre topic. Overall a well delivered, very informative session which provided some good tools for an intervention if ever needed.
Maire D, 20 Oct 2020
Excellent refresher. Relevant and a good use of time.
Irina H, 19 Oct 2020
I would recommend this course to anybody who is interested in helping people who suffer and more specifically to the ones working in the film and tv industry, as the incidence of ill mental health is staggering.
heather d, 19 Oct 2020
exceptionally well presented and great material
Christine W, 19 Oct 2020
A very informative and useful session. I would recommend it to my colleagues.
Emma N, 19 Oct 2020
This was my first time attending a training of this type as I am from the business section. I really enjoyed it and felt confident leaving.
Guy P, 19 Oct 2020
Overall the session was really good and insightful. It has prompted me to consider some next steps towards how I can better support others. Keen to continue my learning in this area and will explore some volunteering opportunities to support this. Obviously this was a half day session so the pace was quite quick which was completely understandable (I think the pacing was good for this length of time), perhaps could sign post to other courses / more in depth courses for anyone who wants to take this to the next level.