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SFA01-Suicide First Aid Lite Reviews

Showing 2 star reviews : View all 9070 reviews

Jill E, 19 Jul 2024

Amy C, 06 Feb 2024

Great course and leader, but not as relevant as it could have been.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Matthew B, 15 Jan 2024

heather s, 13 Sep 2023

overall the tutor was lovely however a lot needs to be evaluated with these courses and how they are approached, a lot of the information was outdated and very unregulated i.e the questions being asked and the material being shown is very unaware of what others who are taking the course are going through or what have been through as if the people who are taking these courses have never been through anything like suicide or been around it, some of the questions are very triggering and come across from a point of privilege and from a stand point of a group of people who haven't an idea what really happens in the real world and how most of these subjects really go down. in the course it's very one size fits all i.e do these things and it will stop someone committing suicide which in reality isn't the case at all, not a single part of this course took in consideration for people who have had a loved one take their life - it felt as if you didn't prevent it then you failed that person which was one of the first values of your company; to say that all people who want to take their life don't actually want to - is incredibly baseless and filled with blame to the people who couldn't stop someone doing it. overall i didn't partially like the labelling the whole subject of suicide in one box when it's one massive spectrum and should be treated with a lot more attentiveness and care. just a point just to be more aware and less tone deaf.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Helen M, 26 Jan 2023

There were lots of facts and figures which I felt may not have been necessary. When I hear that I am doing a MH First Aid' Course, I expected that there would be far more on how to deal with a crisis as with Physical First Aid. My Tutor was great though and followed the course structure very well.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Peter C, 21 Oct 2021

The course contents were really for those who have perhaps not encountered people who are contemplating suicide, and gave useful advice on what to do. Unfortunately I have been in this situation quite a few times, so, did not learn a huge amount

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[ Inappropriate review ]