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SFA01-Suicide First Aid Lite Reviews

Nicole W, 14 Apr 2021

Fantastic course, super insightful. Thankyou!

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[ Inappropriate review ]

emily c, 14 Apr 2021

Couldn't log back in to the last 10 minutes of the session, was logged out due to technical issues with the tutor

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tim h, 14 Apr 2021

Very useful, thanks.

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Cherry S, 14 Apr 2021

Not a comfortable subject but I have learned a lot, including about myself and my own behaviours and thoughts around how I go about dealing with people, should this occur.

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Aimee B, 14 Apr 2021

Great training, I think we need to have an ‘in-house’ session so it is clear who should be managing what in terms for seniors / managers etc.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Veronica T, 14 Apr 2021

Would like more balance on both the person who needs help and the person helping them. Places to signpost people to.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Vicky W, 13 Apr 2021

I found this really helpful and it has given me things to think about and discuss with others I work with in the same role - I will be recommending this training to others.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Daniel W, 12 Apr 2021

Useful training session that helped to understand what to look out for, signs and how to deal with someone who may be considering suicide or is suiciding. Useful to understand how many people are indirectly affected by suicide as well as those directly and emotionally impacted. Useful video to demonstrate the sort of questions you may ask to support someone who is considering suicide as this in reality would likely be quite a difficult conversation. Interesting to understand correct language to use not to stigmitise suicide as i would not have been aware of this without the training.

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Shelley E, 09 Apr 2021

Jane did really well and should be proud of herself.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Avon B, 09 Apr 2021

i felt the training was a great support in addition to my role as a mental health first aider, it has made me feel confident that if I need to I can provide effective support to someone who needs help. the training has also helped me to identify other colleagues who can provide me support with others or for myself.

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[ Inappropriate review ]