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Maguire Training
Managing Diversity, run by Maguire Training
Essential content for all managers in a modern business environment, the Managing Diversity Training Course is vital in modern business practices.. This training course is designed as an in-depth analysis of managing diversity.
2 Days
Bristol, Eastleigh, Mansfield, N/A, United Kingdom, Uxbridge
Maguire Training
Managing Equality in the Workplace, run by Maguire Training
This training course is intended to alert managers to bias that could affect decisions regarding recruitment, promotion and attitudes toward others in the workplace. Managing equality is a major consideration when running a business..
1 Day
Bristol, Eastleigh, Mansfield, N/A, United Kingdom, Uxbridge
Maguire Training
Managing Flexible Workers, run by Maguire Training
For those who have direct reports working remotely or in virtual teams.. Delegates will learn how to manage remote and flexible workers effectively. The emphasis of this course focuses on managing flexible workers,
1 Day
Bristol, Eastleigh, Mansfield, N/A, United Kingdom, Uxbridge
Maguire Training
Absence Management, run by Maguire Training
The Absence Management training course is designed for managers, team leaders and supervisors with direct reports and responsibility for managing sickness absences.. Delegates will learn to improve absence management in the business.
1 Day
Bristol, Eastleigh, Mansfield, N/A, United Kingdom, Uxbridge
Maguire Training
Coffee Break Coaching for Managers, run by Maguire Training
Who Would Benefit. This course would benefit all managers, who are looking to develop a natural and more informal style of coaching. Delegates will focus on techniques to help others achieve their personal and professional goals in a variety of eve
2 Days
Bristol, Eastleigh, Mansfield, N/A, United Kingdom, Uxbridge
Maguire Training
Decision-Making Skills Training Course, run by Maguire Training
Who Would Benefit?. The Decision Making Skills Training Course is designed for leaders who want to solve problems and deal with issues in a realistic, objective manner and by making considered choices.
1 Day
Bristol, Eastleigh, Mansfield, N/A, United Kingdom, Uxbridge
Maguire Training
Emotional Intelligence for Leaders & Managers, run by Maguire Training
Who Would Benefit?. The Emotional Intelligence Skills Training Course is perfect for those who want to understand how to develop their communication and interpersonal skills,
1 Day
Bristol, Eastleigh, Mansfield, N/A, United Kingdom, Uxbridge
Maguire Training
How to get the most from your PDR (Appraisal), run by Maguire Training
This training course would benefit any employee who is about to be the subject of a performance development review (or appraisal) with their line manager. The focus will be on how you (the subject) can get the most from the review meeting..
3 Hours
Bristol, Eastleigh, Mansfield, N/A, United Kingdom, Uxbridge
Maguire Training
Innovation, run by Maguire Training
The Innovation Training Course is designed for anyone trying to improve quality, reduce errors or create system efficiencies in their team or department..
Bristol, Eastleigh, Mansfield, N/A, United Kingdom, Uxbridge
Maguire Training
Innovation in a Nutshell, run by Maguire Training
Delegates will learn how to create new and radical ideas to address a specific problem. Delegates will use a set of tried and trusted innovation approaches to create fresh practical ideas to resolve an entrenched problem or system blockage or reduce
2 Days
Bristol, Eastleigh, Mansfield, N/A, United Kingdom, Uxbridge