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BeginningWithA Reviews

Inyang T, 26 Jul 2018

Excellent course with very good trainer. I really liked Carol's approach to delivering the ADI-R Training. The training was very practical and readily applicable to the clinical scenarios we have to deal with regularly.

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Louise O, 26 Jul 2018

Carole was a great trainer. Really interesting course. Totally relevant for my work. thanks

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RUTH T, 25 Jul 2018

The course was excellent. Lots of reflection and practice, and discussion of some common issues arising within ADI-R and ASD assessment more generally. Highly recommended.

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Gareth J, 25 Jul 2018

Overall, the course was very good. My only criticism would be that 3 days did feel a bit too long and 2 days would have been sufficient. I think the course could have been condensed and less practice at the ADI-R was needed. However, I felt the trainer was very knowledgeable and willing to answer any questions asked. She had a very pleasant demeanour and certainly is a good teacher!

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Panagiotis B, 25 Jun 2018

Very informative trainer and always available to explain in detail any questions

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Athanasia H, 25 Jun 2018

I am very satisfied with the course overall. Carol was brilliant. The videos were very instructive but on the last video the quality of the audio wasn't that good. Taking into account that it was the last video and most of us were pretty restless, it was a bit hard to follow. I think that the post seminar videos are absolutely necessary and am looking forward to them . Thanks again.

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Theodora X, 25 Jun 2018

Thorough training and good english humor!

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Georgios X, 24 Jun 2018

I' d prefer some more practice of our own both in guiding a session and presenting the several ados tasks to the participant and in coding as well

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Kalliopi S, 24 Jun 2018

I would like to see a real case as well!!!

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Eleni V, 20 Jun 2018

I feel that It would be even more educational, if we had the opportunity to score more videos with different clinical cases. That could happen by getting more videos from you for the next few days, and having a double score. And that because we found out that scoring after ADOS assesement was actually hard for us in cases of no clear autism or typical children, no matter the chronological age. Thank you.

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