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Happy Reviews
Manisha D, 02 Jan 2024
I really enjoyed one to one session. I was able to express more which would have been difficult in a group.
David S, 20 Dec 2023
Great Course, great Facilitator, Great Venue. Lunch was superb.
Ione G, 20 Dec 2023
It was really useful to learn frameworks for situations in which assertiveness is useful, because often they appear in interpersonal interactions so it's easy to freeze or go with the flow, and second-guess yourself afterwards.
Clare W, 20 Dec 2023
Brendan - I really appreciated your apology and understanding for the need for clarity in preparation for each session. I think this is beneficial for all (as I was not the only one without a laptop) but I think it brings into sharper focus the missing link I feel there is in the course. This is not the first time I have had to flag neurodiversity as an issue to be considered (the first time was in the Culture session with Jo) and I wonder if, linking in with what Lynette said about Prevent and British Values, there may be a space by which we can spend more time discussing these in tandem with the learnings on the programme. Lynette was right that they should be highlighted as and when they come up, and while I despise the term 'British Values', some more open and honest discussion around equity, diversity and inclusion feels appropriate. It can't have gone unnoticed that we are a not very diverse group in terms of heritage, and these topics have to be talked about alongside what we are learning, as no workplace can be considered truly transformational if JEDI (justice, equity, diversity and inclusion) doesn't underpin everything it does.
Emma H, 20 Dec 2023
Good, well paced sessions. Trainer gave plenty of time and opportunities to practice.
Whitney J, 20 Dec 2023
Great training session. Learning how to use teams more efficiently. This will make work a lot smoother working in my team.
Deborah H, 19 Dec 2023
Excellent training - great interaction with the rest of the candidates. Good amount of people participating. Didn't feel hurried so learnt loads.
Dani B, 19 Dec 2023
Loved it! Learnt so many usedul tips and found it a great space to reflect on how i manage and what i could do better.
Alina T, 19 Dec 2023
Great course, so useful for any current leader or aspiring one
Laura C, 19 Dec 2023
Fantastic course, incredibly engaging