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Happy Reviews
Stuart P, 20 Jan 2021
lovely way of including everyone, love the use of breakout rooms and the chat box. Pace was perfect. Loads of tip and techniques and things to think about.
Joanne G, 20 Jan 2021
It was a more casual style than I am used to and I will need time to reflect but some very interesting points.
Yvonne R, 20 Jan 2021
Absolutely fantastic training. Thoroughly enjoyed the content, pace, and the Trainer's knowledge. The trainer was extremely patient, and humorous through the course. It also gave me a chance to interact with my colleagues.
Lafayette O, 20 Jan 2021
The trainer very patient and made sure that everyone was ion the same pace. it was very engaging and i have learnt a lots from her .
Jo H, 20 Jan 2021
Great job on adapting the presentation and content on the fly to meet our specific needs.
Bethany F, 20 Jan 2021
Paul is fantastic! Very calming and knowledgable. This has been one of the best trainings I have attended in a very long time. I have so much to take away with me from today including approaches and ideas that I will actually use. Thank you.
Phinnah I, 20 Jan 2021
I enjoyed the course and the delivery
Natalie W, 20 Jan 2021
It was a great session, well paced, led well and just the right number of people. The concepts covered were thought provoking and very useful.