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Cosensa Learning and Development Reviews

Showing 2 star reviews : View all 1494 reviews

Thomas H, 07 Oct 2024

The trainer was engaging, knowledgeable and professional. The course materials were appropriate for the type of course. However I feel the content was not particularly relevant to a purchasing role within RLC.
Response : Thanks for the feedback Thomas and I believe Ryan has reached out to you to establish how we might have made this a better fit. Hope we see you on a future course with us and happy to engage in advance

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Mary L, 10 Feb 2021

Course trainer was very polite and informative. For me more hands on learning, greater concentration on macros and formulae writing albeit course instructor did ask for examples which we did not provide so that is a weakness and perhaps could be suggested to future students to bring examples for the training to help improve.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Chris F, 01 Mar 2019

The corse did provide a nice booklet with a lot of information but during the session we did not go through it

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Rebecca E, 19 Feb 2019

There was no direction for the course, it was great we had discussions, but it felt like it was a discussion which could have taken place over half a day. There didn't seem much guidance and it was more direct at difficult conversations with clients, whereas more of the difficult conversations are with employees.
Response : Hi Rebecca - I am sorry you didn't feel you got much out of this course. The brief we were given was to provide you with tools to deal with difficult conversations with clients. I have reviewed the materials and, although I can't comment on what was delivered on the day, the course provides you with 5 clear steps as to how to manage problems which have arisen with clients and how these might be tackled. I recognise there has been some disconnect here between the brief and delivery and will be taking this up with your course organiser. Thanks again for drawing this to our attention

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Jennifer G, 27 Sep 2018

Felt it was too general - to share best practice with colleagues would have been more beneficial

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Tim M, 19 Jul 2018

as above

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Kirsty C, 16 Nov 2016

The training didn't seem to incorporate what HES advisors actually do on a day to day basis.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

David S, 03 Nov 2016


Overall I wasn't that impressed with the course. Some of the material handed out was not correctly formatted and the trainer had to provide copies of his material so it made sense. The trainer was a very nice guy although he was loaded with a cold and I felt this took his attention away somewhat. He was nice but I don't feel he went into the details as much as he could have. I feel slides were just quickly skimmed over and I don't feel I learned anything outstanding. Most of it seemed very logical and would be how I would approach a task normally. The trainer told a lot of stories and although loosely relevant I'm not sure they contributed much to the experience. This was supposed to be a 2 day course originally and it was shortened to 1 day as there were only 2 delegates attending. I don't see how this could have been delivered over 2 days unless the details was fully gone into as if we had done that on the day rather than skimming and talking a lot it could probably have been delivered in half a day. I feel the fee does not reflect the time (being reduced to 1 day) or the experience. I would have expected a discount with the reduction in days. I have a slightly better thought process to project management but by no means was wowed by the course and don't feel I took a huge amount of knowledge away from it.
Response : David - your feedback was a surprise to Peter as he felt you had taken quite a lot out of this day. We are sorry you were disappointed and I have emailed you directly to offer some options for the future. I hope you understand our position that we run these courses with smaller numbers to satisfy the need and that we too would also much prefer there were more people attending, however this is difficulty with offering open courses. We recognise that occasionally there will be an off day for trainers and apologise for Peter having the cold, but am sure you can see from our ratings, such off days don't happen very often

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Patrick C, 23 Mar 2021

Bethany R, 07 Mar 2019