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AMT Training Reviews
Gwenn H, 12 Aug 2022
The main problem is being on zoom : this is way less engaging, way harder to keep up and stay concentrated all day long. This is even worth with the time zone difference (even slight) which have us to eat pretty late and I often lack concentration at the end of the morning session
Olga L, 12 Aug 2022
The course is generally very complex and helpful. Yet, one feature seems confusing to me - some of the examples made by the trainer that are meant to illustrate and simplify things include more advanced financial details and, therefore, complicate understanding of the material. It would be more helpful if the questions were answered in a clearer and simpler way, available for those who did not red finance at the uni.
Margaux B, 12 Aug 2022
Overall excellent quality (both the trainer and the materials), but it would be better to sometimes refer the most technical questions to the TA during the breaks instead of expanding on them during class. Overly technical explications/nitpicking on specific points raised by some delegates do tend to overcomplicate the content of the course
James H, 12 Aug 2022
Great follow on from first two weeks. Would have been helpful to go over some more drill questions in class to reinforce understanding.
jinlian w, 12 Aug 2022
give me a great foundation about the modeling skill
George M, 12 Aug 2022
In general I feel like we have gone rather slow, but I guess I don't know what level all of my peers are at.
Héni G, 12 Aug 2022
The AMT training helps to have good basis knowledge for finance. Teachers are very clear and helpful on their explanations.
Rohit R, 12 Aug 2022
Course Structure 1. I would recommend that pre course are mandatory for everyone to complete before the start the training so that we can skip the very basics. Instructor: 1. While the instructors is very knowledgeable in the field, I think the class needs to be made more engaging. I know people are shy to speak up, but needs to get that interest going in the class.
samuel o, 12 Aug 2022
I find the AMT training to be helpful. However, I think the explanations for the quizzes aren't as helpful. I often find myself still a big confused as to why certain certain answers are correct even after reading the questions and solutions. For quizzes where calculations are required, I wish the calculations are shown in the solutions.