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Ioda Reviews
Tom G, 20 Jan 2021
Really good session that will hopefully be useful for the next assignment.
Steve R, 20 Jan 2021
Excellent sessions, really informative and good interaction throughout the day
Olivia B, 20 Jan 2021
Enjoyable session which was interactive and nicely spread out across the day. Thank you!
Paul B, 19 Jan 2021
In future i think it would be really helpful to provide the ELD in mod1 to complete as you go along rather than doing it all at the end or even better that its filled in by ioda when evidence is submitted!Response : Hi Paul, Thank you for your feedback, i hope you had a really good day. :) Just to let you know about the ELD, we do actually now hand this out at Module 2 as we have found as you have said it is easier to complete as you are going along. Thanks Sam.
Jack G, 19 Jan 2021
Really good and very efficient - thank you.
Louise C, 19 Jan 2021
Really informative. Good group participation and involvement.
Wayne S, 19 Jan 2021
Clarified requirements clearly and expanded upon guidance given in associated documents. Friendly, positive and approachable manner and very helpful overall. Thank you