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CB Training by Supportive Solutions Reviews
Emily L, 02 Jul 2020
Good course as an introduction to stress management. Could have been shorter in length as some of the activities gave too much time for discussion over topics which didn't need as long.
Sian E, 01 Jul 2020
I think it was very good. This was the first time I had gone into “breakout “ discussion groups. I probably would have benefited more from a couple more as I find discussing the learning is beneficial to me.
louise p, 01 Jul 2020
thank you I really enjoyed the training took a lot of information away with me .. many thanks
Pauline W, 01 Jul 2020
being asked to research answers was good, made it sink in more
Debra H, 01 Jul 2020
Wasn't sure how the training would go being that is was virtual, very impressed, would do it again in this way.
Marianne F, 01 Jul 2020
Some of the guidance was not clear: when we were looking at some of the questions I thought that the numbers in brackets related to the amount of points that were required. Although this was stated at the beginning of the session it was actually not the case.
Sarah S, 01 Jul 2020
These courses are always better face to face. However, Alistair was very good at engaging us all and keeping our focus. He kept the information interesting and researching our own answers was more effective than watching a PPP.
Carla T, 01 Jul 2020
In some of the video clips it was hard to hear the tutor explaining the different techniques of the moves.
Dawn E, 01 Jul 2020
I would have preferred to have been in a classroom set up. It refreshed my knowledge and offered some new thoughts and ideas.