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Trigraph Intelligent Learning Reviews
Travis B, 14 May 2021
More practical examples would be great, possibly an example company to apply the step to through the entire book. Doing the course online makes things a bit more difficult.
Denise P, 23 Apr 2021
Very basic overview of project management standards. It was a very good refresher of previous project management courses I've taken. Trainer was very well spoken and covered the material very well. Some of the team work exercises were really helpful in understanding some of the content. For the most part I had already seen a lot of the course material throughout my career but for others in the class I think it was new so therefore more beneficial to them.
Joseph C, 22 Apr 2021
Good Course Great Trainer,Really helped understanding of basics around project management A1!
Martina M, 22 Apr 2021
good to have practical exercices in between lot of new information good to have an excel file where we can work with now templates are useful for next working tasks/projects
PJ F, 06 Apr 2021
I found Day 2 heavy going. I preferred Day 1. In fairness Day 2 dealt with more serious topics. I have deliberately waited a while before submitting my review after Day 2 as I was a little deflated after it, with all the talk about wills and enduring powers of attorney. However I have a bit more perspective after a bit of time has elapsed and looking over the slides and my notes, I feel that it was equally good. Both days were very long, perhaps the course could be split in three days in future.
Ashley W, 23 Mar 2021
Social change engagement - whist very good, would have benefitted from links for volunteering in retirement being included / possible examples. Planning for change - whilst good, would have benefitted from information on maintaining good mental health in retirement. Acknowledgement of the uncertainty of change e.g. bereavement. Although we are living longer early death particularly in the times we are in is a real possibility. NAPD – information from the NAPD on staying connected would have also been beneficial e.g. retired member’s association? I think also NAPD should actively encourage members to undertake this training approx. 3 years before retiring as it really is informative and could help pension planning etc. Overall, excellent and thank you. A lot to think about and do!