Mohammad A, 28 May 2020
The homework prior to the session was very useful as it helped set the stage for the whole day. The TED talk was very insightful and I was very impressed to find that the remote session has not diminished its usefulness at all in my opinion!
Rasheed I, 28 May 2020
Actually practicing the skills has a significant impact on visualising use cases and actually remembering to use them in real life scenarios.
gemma b, 27 May 2020
the course was very good and tackled some important aspects of managing a team working from home. i gave 1 start for actors as we she didn't use actors (i don't think)
Paula C, 27 May 2020
This was an extremely useful course and I learned many practical techniques which I will implement while managing remote teams. The trainer was excellent, and was able to provide relevant, concrete examples for us to discuss. I was particularly impressed by Laurell's skill in ensuring that each course member was given the opportunity to join the discussion and was fully included in the session. Overall, an excellent session! Thank you.
Louise E, 27 May 2020
I think the course worked really well over Zoom, everyone participated and really interesting conversations spanned from the various management techniques.
Andrea W, 20 May 2020
It was good to have a very interactive experience and not just be 'talked at'. I thought Laurell gave us brilliant opportunities to discuss and contribute.
Louise W, 20 May 2020
when the 4 questions were asked at the start, I would have liked either a little more time, or for the questions to be considered as the training went along, ie spaced throughout the session; having said that I appreciate that they responses often overlapped across the 4 areas considered. I felt very confident that the trainer really knew her subject, related to the participants very well during the training, and was open to questions and comments. I found it very useful especially in terms of taking a step back to consider all aspects of managing remotely, and in spending sufficient time on planning the week/ day.
Kellie G, 20 May 2020
Laurell is a fantastic trainer who always facilitates in a really engaging and relevant way and I found this course very useful and applicable to my role. Thank you!
Amelia A, 27 Mar 2020
Course was superbly delivered. Use of actors was brilliant as it helped both identify personal challenges in dealing with difficult conversations and different personalities while at the same time practice different approaches. Materials provided were simple and practical, something I will be able to use at work.
Denis m, 26 Mar 2020
Really enjoyable day. The role play was very useful and helpful to understand workplace situations.