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WATCH & GO Reviews

Ghody D, 05 Aug 2024

Communication is really important. Taking responsibility is a huge factor to create an effective and respective environment. We should always think each other welfare and wellbeing. We should always let them feel free to express their ideas, suggestion, comments or even negative feedback. With this we can create a workplace where negativity could not grow and foster and we can see positivity and improvement.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Ghody D, 05 Aug 2024

It is the feeling that we have satisfied our emotional need to belong because we feel seen and accepted by a group/ organization and make them feel like a family member. Belonging is the feeling of security and support when there is a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and identity for a member of a certain group. A person's sense of belonging can greatly impact the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual emotions within themselves.
Response : Hi Ghody - thanks so much for all the feedback you have provided on all the WATCH & GO resources you have been using recently. We really appreciated your comments and I'm delighted that you are finding all the programmes so useful. Thank you for taking the time to comment on each one. Wishing you well - and keep learning! :-) Catherine

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Ghody D, 05 Aug 2024

Empathy, Reliability, Integrity and Clarity are the key factors in building rapport and molding a good and strong Team. We need to uplift each one of us to bring out the best in us. We need to encourage inclusivity accompanied with respect and being sensitive towards each individuals differences by color, culture and beliefs. With this we can create a more sustainable workplace and a stronger Team bond.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Ghody D, 05 Aug 2024

As much as we want we always push our limits to achieve something, we want to be as productive and effective as we can without realizing that our will and mind thinks we still can but without our knowledge our body needs to relax to avoid more complications in the future. We should always think that health is wealth, we need to prioritize our health and give time to rest or even pamper. We can be as productive and effective as we can but we need to put timeline on it to avoid working under time pressure that may cause frustrations and even depression that could greatly affect your wellbeing or even worse your capacity to do your duties and responsibilities.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Ghody D, 05 Aug 2024

Communication about changes plays a huge important role in accepting it. We need time, proper training and orientation to adapt to changes. So we need to implement and take it slowly at all cost because it may create confusions that may lead to someone's failure or ineffectiveness. We should always bear in mind that different people have different levels of perspective, understanding at adaptation. So we need to adjust our phase to cope up with others and always lend a hand to help them understand even better about these changes.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Ghody D, 05 Aug 2024

Having an everyday task of to-do-list is very effective when it comes to productivity. you can always keep track of your progress and even things that you need to improve and focus on. This can help you organize things and prioritize things as it should. This can also help you lessen the time stress and pressure.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Ghody D, 05 Aug 2024

For me there is no such thing as poor performer. I guess we can all agree that with a proper guidance and training anyone can be as effective as they can. The huge challenge here is that he/she doesn't want either way. We always have room for improvement all we need to do is to open our minds to broaden our horizon towards improving and growing.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Ghody D, 05 Aug 2024

Respect starts with respect. So we need to be considerate and sensitive towards everybody. We need to understand and accept each others differences and with we could create a more sustainable and improve relationship with our colleagues.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Ghody D, 05 Aug 2024

"Smile it's for FREE." I always believe in this quote. Imagine seeing someone smile it could start someone's day. It could ease someone's worries and pain. It could break a negative energy or even bad luck. Just be nice to everyone you encounter because we don't know what is someone is going through. We should always put ourselves into someone else's shoes and think twice before we do something.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Bolarinwa O, 05 Aug 2024

Response : Hi Bolarinwa - thanks for your feedback on this video and I'm glad you were impressed. It's great you feel you can apply the ideas about behaviour interviewing straight away - I hope you find that using this approach in your own interviewing really pays off for you. Thanks again. Keep visiting for more useful tips, ideas and techniques to help you in your work. Catherine

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