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Apps L5 - ODM Reviews
Amy W, 10 Feb 2023
Mark was an excellent trainer, very approchable with a lot of knowledge.
David H, 08 Feb 2023
It has been interesting discussing the topics with other kinds of industries, understanding the differences in their approach to how you are in yours
Lewis C, 06 Feb 2023
A very will delivered session by Rich. 👍Response : Hi Lewis. Thanks for giving feedback, we really appreciate it. I have noticed you have said your confidence hasn't increased from this workshop - do you want to give us an email and we can see if we can get someone to give you a call to go over the content? Thanks Sam
James H, 06 Feb 2023
Very good trainer with a good delivery of the subject matter which was relevant to the course and my current role.
Coral H, 06 Feb 2023
I like the POSED acronym for feedback and will look to include this in future.
David F, 06 Feb 2023
Very helpful not just for the assignment but to use in the workplace too.