Terence M, 03 Sep 2020
Regarding the last two questions above, I feel that I need to review my notes and workbook again before I'd say that I feel fully confident at recognising the signs of someone having thoughts of suicide or speaking to someone about suicide. But I know a lot more then I did before the course.
Leslie M, 03 Sep 2020
My only reservation is not with the training, but in myself to be able to make the initially response to the individual. I also think that this training should be introduced annually as on-going refresher, and extended to the greater populous, including teenagers and the 'older' person. Thank you.
Zoe P, 03 Sep 2020
Felt the training was delivered very well, esp on such a difficult subject
Fiona S, 03 Sep 2020
I feel more engaged to be aware of signs of people struggling with suicidal thoughts and hope that my awareness and the confidence this course has given me will allow me to help them find the right path.
Laura M, 03 Sep 2020
Thank you for broadening my understanding of suicide and hopefully I can apply my learning to real life experiences.
Sama I, 02 Sep 2020
Great session, very informative and interactive. Thank you.
Vikki F, 02 Sep 2020
Thank you - well done with delivering a difficult topic virtually!!