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SFA01-Suicide First Aid Lite Reviews
Debabrata S, 02 Jun 2021
Training session is so good and clear understand all topics. Trainer expression and presentation quality is so good.
Manoj K, 02 Jun 2021
आत्महत्या प्राथमिक चिकित्सा कार्यशाला से सम्बंधित प्रशिक्षण के दौरान प्रशिक्षक का तरीका सरल और प्रतिभागी केन्द्रित है | कहानी का समावेश कर समझना और रोचक बनाता है | पाठ्यक्रम संरचना बहुत अच्छा है | इसका इंग्लिश और हिंदी दोनों भाषा में होना अच्छा समझ बनाता है | तथ्य , आकड़ा , और शोध का समावेश किया गया है | समझाने की क्रम का ध्यान रखा गया है | हरेक पॉवर पॉइंट में आत्महत्या प्राथमिक चिकित्सा गाइड लाइन के पेज संख्या अंकित करना अच्छा है |
Rosa T, 02 Jun 2021
For me this was a useful refresher. I am ASIST trained and already had a level of understanding around the subject matter. However, if this had been my first experience of suicide first aid training I may have felt less less satisfied. I'm not sure how well suited it is to online delivery. I hope the face-to-face delivery option returns soon. It needed more space around and in the training - there's a lot to absorb. Simply ticking the box and moving on felt inappropriate at times.
Antim S, 02 Jun 2021
सभी बिंदु का अच्छे थे बस मुझे लग रहा हैं कि डिप्रेशन पर भी बातचीत की जरूरत हैं क्योंकि डिप्रेशन का आत्महत्या से गहरा सम्बंध हैं ।
Vineeta D, 01 Jun 2021
Very good session. Answered a lot of questions I had. I would like to attend more such session with more participation.
Rama m, 01 Jun 2021
very use ful for us.We will use this training at everywhere.Hope I will use this practicaly if I found any one.
Shyam C, 01 Jun 2021
The session was very effective and informative, in which we learned first aid as well as different methods of communication.
Sue T, 01 Jun 2021
I would prefer to be able to manage my own background. I do not feel comfortable showing my home. Normally, I am free to choose who does or does not come in, online calls sometimes offer me that and this time it didn't. I feel that my home is a private space.
Usha S, 01 Jun 2021
I know what is suicide first add. what is The Continuum of Suicide? this is useful.