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SFA01-Suicide First Aid Lite Reviews
James B, 17 Oct 2022
An excellent course that really gets you thinking about a difficult subject. It has bought back personal experiences and allowed me to spend some time thinking how I can use those experiences when identifying signs and discussing this topic in future.
Carmela L, 14 Oct 2022
Very useful course dealing well with a difficult topic.Response : Thank you for your feedback
Abigail E, 14 Oct 2022
Really enjoyed the session and the breakout rooms were a good chance to speak to othersResponse : Thank you for your feedback.
Aneurin L, 08 Oct 2022
A good course. The tutors gave participants an opportunity to explore and express.
Sharon S, 06 Oct 2022
This was a brilliant course. It dispels the myth of mentioning the word suicide. Through work I have dealt with many suicides and spoken to people in crisis. I’ve always avoided the word suicide. As that’s what the old crusty area car driver told me. I will always speak to colleagues checking they are ok. If they have been involved in an incident or just not themselves. Usually over a coffee. I know from experience after a bereavement, people avoid talking to you as they don’t know what to say. I make a point of just speaking to them. This course has give. Me the confidence and reassurance that to use the word suicide is absolutely fine
Steven D, 06 Oct 2022
The course was via Teams (never ideal) however, make do and mend was the overall mentality, of which worked. I missed the impact of listening to the individuals voice, and had to make do with subtitles, it would have been nicer and potentially had far more of an impact if the technical side worked. The delivery was fun, sensitive and strong in parts. Thank you to both for delivering an ever increasing issue, that needs promoting and tackling head one.
Craig H, 06 Oct 2022
A great deal of techniques and tools to not only recognize but intervene appropriately.
Robert K, 06 Oct 2022
Nice course. Good length. Didn’t feel too heavy. Plenty of opportunities to ask questions. Felt well supported through the session.
Amy W, 06 Oct 2022
Thank you Tim for your time in conducting the session this morning. It was very informative and well presented which made it relevant to our roles as clinicians.