An exploration of the topic of personal resilience, an important aspect of mental health, which raises awareness of what it is, how it impacts our lives and work, as well as simple things we can do ourselves to proactively enhance it.
The workshop also takes learners on a historical journey, explaining how the human brain works, what can lead to to low resilience and how that impacts the brain, body and the workplace, as well as simple things we can do ourselves to proactively build our resilience and in effect our personal happiness and performance, both in our lives and work.
Everyone who completes the course gets a workbook, which details all learning content and highlights key points to remember and actions to take so that they can refresh their knowledge and refer back at any time, enabling them to implement their new knowledge and skills immediately. They also receive a certificate to say that they have attended the Mental Health Awareness course.
Numbers are limited to 30 people per course so that we can ensure people feel safe and supported while they learn.
What you will learn
Combining presentations and current statistical content with group activities and discussions, all rooted in modern neuroscience, this workshop equips learners with the following:
- An understanding of resilience and its importance in dealing with challenges
- Self-awareness and insight into your personal resilience
- The knowledge and skills to better respond and adapt to change
- The ability to influence your own level of emotional and psychological resilience