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Happy Reviews
Jonathan W, 31 May 2022
This was a great course. Really well structured and delivered. The use of pre-built learning aids really worked well for me.
Adarsh M, 31 May 2022
Great course with useful tips that I'll definitely try and put into practice. Useful to hear the experiences of others on the course and to share learning and ideas. I'd certainly book another course with Happy. Thanks very much!
Adam J, 31 May 2022
The facilitator was very friendly, approachable and made the content of the course approachable too. She engaged all learners equally, creating space for everyone to speak and offer their thoughts. Clear effort was made to involve those attendees who were quieter in nature, to make sure they felt like they could contribute and were empowered to join in with the conversation/discussions. The course content was valuable and relevant to my current role, and a lot of advice and tips came from discussions with other members in break out rooms too. Would recommend highly!
Tom L, 31 May 2022
I would highly recommend, thanks for putting together a structured course Hopefully this should improve my skills within my role
callum g, 31 May 2022
Good individual feedback and a well presented course
emily s, 31 May 2022
FANTASTIC!! Thoroughly enjoyed the last two days.
Grant M, 31 May 2022
Good refresher and stepping stone to a better time management process that can be worked on
A N, 31 May 2022
I would have preferred more teaching and less participation