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Happy Reviews
Angela M, 27 Jan 2023
I think it is a tad too short, although fits in nicely with the workday.
Robert B, 27 Jan 2023
What, so what, now what The first part was 5 minutes of silence and could have done with a facilitator helping - gensral confusuin.
Louise G, 27 Jan 2023
A lot of new techniques in a short space of time - I need longer to try them out and embed them. Couldn't keep up with them all every day but glad to have a tool box of tips and ideas to use going forward.
June k, 27 Jan 2023
Feedback Good variety of structure, great to have a go and try them, Lovely team and fun supportive atmosphere throughout the day Lots of instructions and felt rushed in parts, jumping from one thing to another neuro diverse challenged doesn’t help rushing to do Slido etc. sensory overload, to take on instruction then participate, more time for Troika as not everyone got ago. Not enough time in breakout room to have ago well. Good breaks throughout the day nice to be able to get up and move Spreadsheet what a useful tool and sharing of links in chat Met some great people and valuable conversations Thank you
Susie H, 27 Jan 2023
Depending on who was delivering a section depended on how well I assimilated and understood the learning. It wasn't well paced, and often confusing.
Lucy W, 27 Jan 2023
The content is great. I think the facilitators worked very hard to involve people but the reason I haven't given a higher score is because the pace meant that despite their efforts to involve me and the other learners, the pace actually had the opposite effect. Sometimes a bit more time to look at each tool would be helpful.
Emilea L, 26 Jan 2023
The trainer is outstanding, Sal is such an amazing trainer.
Jim H, 26 Jan 2023
very easy to follow the format of he day