Tracey H, 23 Feb 2021
Had issues with sound but feel after getting the info all will be well
Amy C, 23 Feb 2021
I really like the thoughts around divergent thinking.
Margaret F, 22 Feb 2021
The trainer was very supportive and provided clear instructions. She was happy to go back over any points if people were struggling, and made sure that everyone had understood the function before moving on.
Karine P, 19 Feb 2021
It was a very good session, very interactive especially considering it was done remotely. Sal's a very good trainer, clear in her explanations and patient. I liked the fact that she could give us control or share our screen, this made the course very engaging. The sessions were well made and of the right level of difficulty for me. Only 2 little comments: 1. because we had to go back and forth between Sal's presentation and our own demo document, sometimes I missed a few steps and had to ask Sal to repeat her explanations (but that was maybe my fault because I was slow) and 2. the last session, which was the most rich and complex one, was a bit short. We ran through the Pivot Ex, which was a shame. Maybe having a 2 h session for that last topic would be better to give enough to digest all the information.
Omojefe A, 19 Feb 2021
Informal, conversational in style making it easy to follow.
Ellora H, 19 Feb 2021
Really great facilitator, this was one of the most interactive online courses I've done. Sal was so warm and encouraging and always kept the energy high. There were none of those long awkward pauses that zap the life out of so many online meetings and trainings. The first session was maybe a little simple but the second two were great.
Merina M, 18 Feb 2021
I had network / technical connection issues. but still managed to involve and enjoyed the session
Jo S, 18 Feb 2021
Reworking our slides using the top techniques was really helpful. I would have liked a little more on slide design to complement this.
Jess W, 18 Feb 2021
Great course for how to deliver an engaging and interesting powerpoint presentation!