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Happy Reviews
Jacob W, 22 Jul 2020
The rapid pace from the get go was refreshing and energising.
Sally I, 22 Jul 2020
Great course - good to try the techniques in practice rather than just be told about them
Sonali Y, 22 Jul 2020
Suitably fast paced and very productive session. Thanks Henry, learned a lot and enjoyed collaborating with lovely colleagues.
Ruth N, 22 Jul 2020
Really punchy, helpful session. I could have done with some of the frameworks in front of me to absorb, but the practice of jumping in and having a go worked well - worked especially well online for me - has opened up my eyes to different ways that sessions could be facilitated in future.
Julia M, 22 Jul 2020
I found this course to be fantastic but the pace was a little too fast
Eleanor L, 22 Jul 2020
Really interesting introduction to liberating structures.
roger h, 22 Jul 2020
very well facilitated with patience for the novice
Kim B, 22 Jul 2020
Found it a little bit difficult with everyone at different levels
Jon W, 22 Jul 2020
Slow to get going but improved. Needed a better intro to explain the course purpose. Not enough decent substance and content. Breakout groups should have been mixed up so we could speak to different team members. Felt the course was stretched out and could have been completed well within one hour.