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Happy Reviews
Emma W, 22 Oct 2020
I really enjoyed the course. I think it is an excellent starter and introduction to all of these ideas, but I think what is really clear is that you have to practise these behaviours every day for them to be successful and to create culture change and I think it would be great to somehow have ongoing support or 'accountability check-ins' so that there is ongoing encouragement and we don't fall back into previous ways of working.
Amy R, 22 Oct 2020
Felt involved and break out rooms were very helpful to talk in a small group. Psychological safety was a good addition.
Peter G, 22 Oct 2020
It was a good pace and content was good to ensure that people made the best use of their time esp with us all working from home more now
Hannah G, 22 Oct 2020
there was a lot to cover and would have been good to have more time to cover certain aspects- however that said i think it was a good balance as going into detail for everything would be too much. Would be good to have reading/resources on the models used that you can delve into afterwards for more information
Majeda A, 21 Oct 2020
If covid wasn’t here then more activities would have made this interesting.
marta r, 21 Oct 2020
very good course involved all participants day wen really quick, especially liked the last excercise
Tasnim F, 21 Oct 2020
Good day away from office learning about work Environments
Nicky H, 21 Oct 2020
Excellent session, thank you! The 2 hours went by very quickly using the liberating structures.
Jayne E, 21 Oct 2020
Great feel more confident now.. I liked the way Nick Listened and gave honest feed back.