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Happy Reviews
Vanessa M, 18 Feb 2021
This training has been brilliant, it's exactly what I needed, I knew the questions I wanted to ask about my data and now know how to the the answers. I've really valued the opportunities to apply the learning to my own data whilst in the session - it's really pushed me, in terms of needing to absorb and process what I'm learning, and I think this will make it so much easier to start using my new knowledge immediately. Ebeji has been really supportive and I've really enjoyed the session.
Vanessa M, 18 Feb 2021
I've found this session really useful and I have built up a lot of new knowledge in a short space of time. It's really helpful to be able to interact and it's been great to get specific advice tailored to the issues I have had and I'd like to thank Ebeji for taking the time to answer the individual queries in such a high level of detail.
Merina M, 18 Feb 2021
I had network / technical connection issues. but still managed to involve and enjoyed the session
Jo S, 18 Feb 2021
Reworking our slides using the top techniques was really helpful. I would have liked a little more on slide design to complement this.
Jess W, 18 Feb 2021
Great course for how to deliver an engaging and interesting powerpoint presentation!
r b, 18 Feb 2021
great, lots of useful tips and good rapport in the group
Amelia H, 18 Feb 2021
Not sure what I expected so different parts of the course felt more relevant than others. I have defiantly taken some things away from it though.
Samuel O, 17 Feb 2021
Excellent delivery and easy to understand the facilitator. He speaks simple English and very focus with more examples for us to understand. Group discussions also helps to contribute and get more understanding. Easy to ask question and he is free to explain in details. Good work