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Happy Reviews
denise d, 11 Mar 2021
brake out room and good participation by all is helpful
Hannah B, 11 Mar 2021
I would have loved the to be longer. I got so much help from everyone about the specific issue I raised and I think others would have liked more time to raise their specific issues too.
Georgette c, 11 Mar 2021
I would of liked longer as it was a real eye opener, it was also fantastic to see I am not the only person dealing with these potential issues and have insight from others as to how they have handled it. its reassuring to find I am on the right path with my process
Jane D, 11 Mar 2021
Extremely useful training & brilliant delivery & pace. Thankyou!
Shonagh W, 11 Mar 2021
I thought Nikki was fantastic, really engaging and the balance between practice and informational content was spot on. I loved the models shared and will definitely put them into practice.
Kate C, 11 Mar 2021
It had a nice mix of presentations, breakout sessions etc.
Jane D, 11 Mar 2021
Very helpful course, feel much more confident. Great delivery overall.
Annabel W, 11 Mar 2021
The pace was perfect for learners, much appreciated. The facilitator was approachable, friendly and made the training interesting.
Catherine B, 11 Mar 2021
Very good session, particularly for staff new to minute taking but also helpful to have a fresh look at approaches. It generated lots of follow up questions which is always good and should enable us all to adopt common practices.