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Albacare Reviews
Jennifer G, 19 Sep 2019
Very well structured great information well presented and easy to understand. Learned more than basics and feel I have a good understanding on first aid
Sharon R, 12 Sep 2019
Stefan is very knowledgeable and made the course very interesting and personable when appropriate.
Anne G, 12 Sep 2019
Stefan was very friendly, put you at ease and very clear in speaking to the group. Very detailed and helpful.
James B, 11 Sep 2019
Stefan was a good instructor who used good analogies and real life memories in a manner which helped with understanding and keeping attention and focus
Linda B, 11 Sep 2019
Thankfully not had to use my first aid training much in the 9 years I have been a first aider so these courses are great to refresh my memory Had never used the chocking mannequin before or the cpr rater with speed and comprehension and that was great to try. Stefan was very knowledgable and witty and keep the group engaged and entertained
Craig S, 11 Sep 2019
Course was very good and very helpful the instructor was also very good and very helpful when explaining first aid there was a lot to take in about first aid and the changes that have been made in the past 3 years
Ann H, 11 Sep 2019
Great course and Stefan manages to keep everyone engaged.
Norman H, 11 Sep 2019
Highly recommend this course, all company’s should have first aides and this is the place to have the training done, Stefan Hickman is very knowledgeable in what he does and makes it easy to understand.