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CB Training by Supportive Solutions Reviews
Cheryl F, 10 May 2023
Wayne the trainer was unaware of Communities and presumed as a scheme manager I was on 'big bucks' and did nothing put sit at a desk imputing data, he also presumed that the most 'exciting' part of my job involving moving and handling loads was carrying around boxes of files for archiving one a year. I found this very inappropriate, and very inaccurate.
Jolene A, 09 May 2023
Excellent course learned valuable skills the learning was informative and easy to follow
Jo P, 09 May 2023
Craig was welcoming and friendly towards the participants. He was very knowledgeable about the topic and delivered the learning with clarity at a measured pace in a reassuring way. He included scenarios which were relevant to my working in a care home. He included videos which reinforced what he was telling us
Amanda F, 09 May 2023
Course was very informative event though on zoom good explanations
sanjida a, 08 May 2023
very informative session. too many new things learn today.
johnson A, 08 May 2023
All great Excellent presentstion