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CB Training by Supportive Solutions Reviews

Claire H, 07 Oct 2020

In the current climate teams works . Allowing me to access the course from home . I do prefer face to face .

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Toni J, 06 Oct 2020

i found this course really informative and it really helps to keep previously learned knowledge fresh. Linda was really clear and took it at our pace answering all the questions bought up throughout. Towards the end of the course, we were shown a video of a small child with a tracheostomy who had stopped breathing whilst in hospital, although it's distressing to see any person stop breathing, to see it happen to a child seems to really hit home more, I felt that actually seeing this video of a real life child in place of a mannequin was much more informative as you can actually see the real life effects, like his pallor changing quickly, his oxygen level dropping and his chest not rising and falling,( none of which you can see on a mannequin) Also that oxygen, suction and a tube change were not enough to clear the obstruction. makes you serious think about where his blockage was. it helped that the nurses were not rushing through the procedures and talking throughout and i feel that it makes it easier to think of this happening as a real life emergency rather than a scenario. Many thanks to Linda.

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Rebecca K, 06 Oct 2020

Helen was very good. Very approachable and we had a good laugh.

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Gladys N, 06 Oct 2020

I have learnt alot and enhanced my knowledge on medication administration

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Ewurama A, 06 Oct 2020

Very understandable

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Matthew F, 06 Oct 2020

Brilliant tutor and attentive to everyone's questions and listens to everyone's point of view

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Joan H, 06 Oct 2020

The training refreshes everything I have learned about Record Keeping and Medications

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Jane R, 06 Oct 2020

Very good

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emmaj j, 06 Oct 2020

great training would recomend

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tara b, 06 Oct 2020

I learnt so much through out the training very clear and interesting . I learnt so much more .

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